Sunday, May 19, 2013

Reflection Week 1

Week 1 Reflection
            Our group finished collecting footage on location last Saturday. We went to Tastee Diner with our camera and microphone and got some pretty decent shots to use in our film. When we went back though our camera roll, some of our shots were out of focus, but most of them had really good quality. There were a couple of shots that had weird lighting since we weren't able to set up lights inside the diner. It was a problem when we only had one take of a certain shot and there was some sort of weird back-lighting  We had to rush through our shot list because our cinematographer had to leave early and we wanted to be as efficient as possible so we weren't there during the dinner rush. We've already started brainstorming ways to color correct some of our footage and place cutaways wisely so that we can do without some of the shots we took that were out of focus.
            Since there have been a lot of computer problems, it took us a couple of days to finally get our clips onto a machine. We've just started assembling the rough cut. As the artistic director, I've been sitting with the editor at the machine making suggestions as well as going between rooms to look at the progress of our music searching and poster-making.
            In the next week, we hope to finish our rough cut so we can get ahead of schedule. We want more time to tweak our footage and add in extra inserts shots of the purse/gun scene that we didn't have time to shoot in the diner.

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